Herbal Medicines

Herbal medicines are now lining in shelves in most health food stores.  This is basically for the reason that the causes of illness that afflicted mankind are continually evolving, so is number of people who need some prescriptions and herbal medications continually increase.

However, even if herbal medicines are widely manufactured and used nowadays, there are still certain doubts in terms of its safety and effectiveness.  Many people claimed that herbal medicines are absolutely safe and effective because they come from natural sources and they are labeled as “herbal” or “natural”.  With this matter, it is then necessary to know that not all herbal medicines are safe and effective.  In fact, many plants are poisonous and the labeling does not necessarily mean that herbal medicines are really safe and effective.  This is for the reason that some herbal medicines labeled as “natural” are not really natural to the human body.

To support such stand, the herbal medicines, unlike the over-the-counter prescriptions and medications, are not tested before they are sold.  There is a lack of governance in the place of herbal medicines so there is no proof that they work well or are safe.  And there is great possibility that herbal medicines are not really pure, for they may contain some ingredients like the plant pollen which could make you sick.

Given such information, perhaps the best move to take when considering herbal medicines is to consult the doctor for some guidelines, before taking any form of herbal medicines.  In fact, most of the herbal medicines are not good for those who have particular health problems such as high blood pressure, blood clotting problems, diabetes, heart disease, epilepsy, history of stroke, and other serious ailments.

Also considerable is the fact that since the herbal medicines are not tested to ensure that they are safe, most of the herbal medicines may have certain side effects.  For instance, taking ginkgo biloba may lead to have bleeding as a side effect.  Other example is the fact that if you are taking St. John’s Wort, there is a great possibility that you may have an upset stomach, a tired feeling, confusion, dizziness, and dry mouth.  Aside from that, sunburn may also appear more easily.

Some of the herbal medicines are not also taken if you have other prescriptions or medications.  This is for the fact that the herbal products can alter the way prescription medicines work.

So if you want to avoid several complications after taking herbal medicines, you should then tell your doctor if you are taking a prescription medicine or have certain health problems while taking an herbal supplement.

Herbal Medicine for Cold

Many people these days, children, adults, or elders, are greatly looking for an effective and safe herbal medicine for cold. This situation is mostly evident especially between the months of November through March winter period.  One of the reasons for that continuing search for an efficient herbal medicine for cold is the fact that once you have gotten a cold or even flu, the herbal remedies and vitamins may be able to lessen the symptoms or in fact shorten the time frame you have it.

However, it is important to know that the herbal medicine for cold does not really cure such conditions.  The herbal medicine for cold is just there to provide us with some relief but not to totally cure it.  But still, some considered herbal medicine for cold is there on the market to help us in strengthening our immune system, so to prevent the onset of cold. Among those are mentioned below.

There are basically two forms of widely known herbal medicine for cold, and these are the astragalus and schisandra.  Many experts have noted that to better get a good result, begin using these forms of herbal medicine for cold and flu before such illnesses strike to take advantage of their immune-building potential.

In particular, the astragalus has been shown to enhance nearly every phase of immune-system activity.  One of the scientific studies demonstrated that long term use of this herbal medicine for cold sharpened the immune cell activity ranging from the speed with which the immune cells make up to the speed with which they travel in the body.  Aside from that, another support for this herbal medicine for cold showed that astragalus has the potential to increase the production as well as the storage of interferon, which is an essential substance that strengthens the body to invading bacteria and viruses.  It is then noted that this herbal medicine for cold stimulate cells to start their defense against these invaders and then increase the interferon’s effects in fighting the common cold.

In terms of schisandra, as another well-known herbal medicine for cold, it is interesting to know that this herb is a vining shrub that is indigenous to China.  Traditionally, its berries are applied in the Chinese medicine to promote the production of fluids in the body as well as to control coughing, to enhance the resistance level of the body to a wide spectrum of adverse biological, physical, and chemical effects, and also to aid the body in handling stress.  And along with that, this herbal medicine for cold is also applied to correct mild digestive malfunctions and to stop diarrhea.

Due to its proven effectiveness, these two mentioned herbal medicines for the treatment of cold are now widely offered in many health food outlets.  The dosages of any of them just depend upon a person’s size, age, and specific conditions.  So, it is necessary to consult with a doctor for proper information.

Herbal Medicine and Bruising

Herbal medicines have generally surged up to their highest usage since the Food and Drug Administration decided to consider herbal medicines as dietary supplements in 1990. There had been some reports mentioning that the estimates of annual herbal medicine sales have elevated to between $ 2 and $3 billion.  Along with that rise of herbal medicine, the issue on herbal medicine and bruising emerged.

Many people since the rise of herbal medicine actually asked and searched for some possible link between herbal medicine and bruising.  Greatly, many of them have found out certain links and some important consideration regarding herbal medicine and bruising.

In the first place, the issue on herbal medicine and bruising basically emerged due to the public question on what specific herbal medicine will be used and is effective for treating bruises.  Speaking of bruising, it is interesting to know first that bruising occurs after a traumatic injury and it is generally consists of swelling and discoloration under the skin; however, there is no disruption of the skin.  Such discoloration is said to change in color depending on the depth if the bruise.  With that, the healing then takes days or even weeks, also depending on the severity of the bump or blow that caused the bruise.

From such information alone, knowing that bruising is such a form of disease, the function of herbal medicine is greatly needed.  This is where the issue on herbal medicine and bruising occurs.  Since the underlying purpose of the issue on herbal medicine and bruising is really to find some herbal remedies for such disease, it is just nice to mention some of the great supports for the link between herbal medicine and bruising.

Particularly, one of the great solutions that will answer some questions regarding the issue on herbal medicine and bruising is the function of Arnica, one of the well-known herbal medicines for bruising.  Arnica is always suggested as both an internal and topical means to treat minor injuries.  In fact, many experts that tackle the issue on herbal medicine and bruising often recommend the mixing 1 tablespoon of arnica tincture in 500 ml water as a treatment for bruise.

And outside from such fact that shows the link between herbal medicine and bruising, there is an herb known as Bellis, which is proven effective for treating injury to deep tissues, bruises after operations, and sprains.  And also there was Comfrey which is also widely used in traditional medicine as a topical application to aid in treating wounds.

These are just among the many notable herbs that will provide some answers and supports to the issue on the herbal medicine and bruising, and all of them act as good treatments for bruises.

Home Remedies For Bruxism

Bruxism or teeth grinding is one of most damaging forms of dental disorders. This condition is usually difficult to detect in the early stages as the patient is completely oblivious of this habit. It leads to clenching and grinding of the teeth along with extreme jaw movements.

You can suffer facial pain due to the clenching – clamping the top and bottom teeth together. This stressful act puts pressure on the muscles, tissues and the areas around the jaw. It can lead to serious problems like jaw joint disorders, jaw pain, headaches, earaches, damaged teeth and many others.

This continuous form of grinding damages the teeth completely. This condition is very common among children but it is not only restricted to them. It is a very common problem among people with Fibromyalgia Syndrome. The teeth clenching and teeth grinding may lead to Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction (TMJ).

Home Remedies for Bruxism

Before retiring to bed you can chew on an apple, cauliflower or carrot. This will calm your overactive mouth and prevent grinding. To relax your jaw muscles use a warm washcloth around the sides of your face. Continue doing this for sometime. This will relax the clenched muscles that cause head pain. Do it before bedtime to benefit more.

Be relaxed and avoid stress by taking warm baths and massages.

Massage your neck muscles, shoulders and face to relax peacefully. Stress relieving exercises should help you unwind. Squeeze a tennis ball; it may come in handy to get rid of the stress.

Sleeping on your side or your stomach may increase your chances of bruxism.

The best position to sleep is on your back to reduce the stress. Use contoured pillow if you can’t sleep on your back. Place the contoured pillow under you face and the ordinary pillow between your arms. Sleeping in this position reduces the strain on your jaw and neck and prevents you from rolling over onto your face.

Avoid consumption of alcohol as it inadvertently affects your sleep and increases the movement of your jaw which causes clenching. Cut down on caffeine and carbohydrates like candy and pastries.

Try acupressure, it may help you relax for a good night sleep thus avoiding any incidents of teeth clenching or grinding.

Warning: The reader of this article should exercise all precautionary measures while following instructions on the home remedies from this article. Avoid using any of these products if you are allergic to it. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the site or the writer.

Is Your Summer A Breeze Or A Sneeze? Tips For Coping With Allergies

While the hazy days of summer are a delight to some, for others they bring weeks of relentless sneezes, sniffles and sore eyes. Hayfever can drive those allergic to pollen crazy as symptoms build day after day with little respite. Here’s a look at summer’s most common allergy affliction and what its streaming victims can do to get some relief.

What is an allergic reaction?

Allergies kick in when our immune system reacts to what it perceives as a threat. In response it produces histamine in abundance. In the case of hay fever, the allergic reaction occurs when pollen particles come into contact with the lining of the nose. The immune system detects a threat and goes all out to wash it out the way it came. As soon as pollen is airborne the hyper-vigilant immune system in question sends out a decree to “let the streaming commence.”

Why summer?

Hay fever symptoms arise during the summer months because this is the time when pollen and spores are airborne. Rainy days can give relief as pollen and spores are washed to the ground and held captive in a damp environment before things dry up and they get to float around again. Some hay fever sufferers find that their symptoms persist after the typical pollen season is over. Irritants like tobacco smoke, perfume and fluctuating temperatures can aggravate an already sensitive system and lead to continued irritation.

Barrier Methods

One natural method for dealing with allergies is to use a natural and inert oil like coconut, or almond oil, to protect the lining of the nose from direct contact with pollen or other airborne allergens. For itching eyes, Ayurveda (the traditional Indian system of natural medicine) has a simple kitchen remedy. Soak a tablespoonful of coriander seeds in a cup of boiling water, cover and leave to cool. Once completely cool, dip a sterile gauze pad in the liquid and then lay back with it resting on your closed eyes.

The Stress Factor Hay fever loves heat.

Be it the weather, or our internal thermostat, symptoms thrive when we’re running too hot. While it’s not easy to keep cool, calm, and collected when everything is itching and irritated, stress is only going to make it worse. Some sufferers find retreating to a cool showing or swimming pool gives a spell of relaxation and relief from relentless sneezing.

Immune Negotiations

If an immune system is responding to a “perceived” threat that is in reality harmless, one measure we can take to get some relief is to try and convince it that all is OK with the allergen in question.

Give yourself a Helping Hand

EFT is self-help acupressure technique that can settle the immune system and keep stress levels down. If you’re sick of sneezing and reluctant to hoard up on antihistamines for the next 3 months, EFT May be just what you need to get relaxed and stop the sneezes.