Quitting Smoking for Good with Acupuncture

Acupuncture is already a renowned method used in treating smoking addiction. An alternative medicine believed to have originated as far as 3000 BC in ancient China, this treatment is now being widely utilized for various medicinal and therapeutic purposes. It has been found furthermore to successfully treat drug dependence and chronic smoking addiction.

There are several smoking cessation medications and therapies available presently. However acupuncture is a recommended alternative procedure, especially where conventional therapies have already failed. The strategic insertion of needles in various parts of the body aims to treat the condition in a more profound and emotional level. A smoker needs to free himself from the physiological and psychological addiction of smoking, thus necessitating a more holistic treatment.

How It Stops the Addiction

The placement of needles is usually located behind the ear, or on the ear cartilage. This is where the calming effect takes place, curbing the patient’s cravings for more cigarettes. People who have a smoking habit are bound to take up the nicotine stick more often whenever they feel stressed, bored, or depressed. Needles are also often inserted on the hand and wrists to promote a steadier flow of bodily energy. The feeling of relaxation will help an individual think twice about lighting a cigarette again.

Furthermore, this treatment has been found to help an individual deal with the withdrawal symptoms better. This alternative medicine promotes better tolerance to pain and discomfort during smoking cessation. Withdrawal symptoms can range from mild to severe and may involve nausea, palpitations, and dizziness. Oftentimes, these same conditions will propel an individual back to his smoking tendencies sooner than later.

Nicotine is the addictive and toxic substance present in a cigarette. This is the same substance that makes quitting a big challenge for most smokers. The nicotine that you get from smoking will attach itself to the pleasure areas in the brain, making it hard for you to stop. Without a steady stream of this substance, a smoker will tend to feel depressed and uncomfortable.

People who have undergone acupuncture treatment reported that they no longer find cigarettes as tempting or as satisfying. Oftentimes, smoking would leave an awful taste in their mouths prompting them to stop their habit for once. Some patients would even resort to eating mints or lozenges to clear to get rid of the terrible aftertaste.

According to skilled practitioners, approximately 7 out of 10 smokers will successfully extricate themselves from their smoking habit after 2 or 3 weeks. While the others are unable to quit totally, these smokers will be able to cut down on their cigarette consumption quite significantly.

Treatment from Acupuncture Experts

It is very essential for a patient to consult with a skilled acupuncturist. A more personalized service will be provided by an expert, as well as added counseling for the patient. Moreover, an acupuncturist may prescribe herbal supplements to aid the patient in quitting efforts.

During treatment, filiform needles are inserted into specific points on the ear cartilage, as well as the hands and wrists. Normal procedures last for about 30 minutes. Body acupuncture can be used in combination with the ear and wrist needle placements. An acupuncturist may also utilize a mild electric current, to enhance the effect of the needles through the body.

The greatest advantage of this ancient Oriental procedure is the absence of side-effects during and after treatment. Unlike smoking cessation medications and nicotine replacement therapy products, acupuncture does not employ chemically manufactured substances. There is also no risk of weight gain during therapy. In conjunction with helping a patient quit smoking, it can also curb appetite, thus reducing food cravings.

If you have tried several methods in smoking cessation to no avail, perhaps it is high time you consider the alternative method that is acupuncture. With the right practitioner and the right frame of mind, there is no reason why you won’t be nicotine-free before long.

Is Acupuncture The Remedy for You?

With the growing acceptance of alternative medicine in Western cultures, acupuncture is quickly becoming a popular practice. More and more people today are choosing acupuncture over western medicine to treat bodily pains, relieve stress, or to promote overall health. If you are thinking about trying acupuncture but are wondering if it is safe or if it’s the right treatment for you, the following information may aid you in making a more informed decision.

Description and Origin

Acupuncture is the practice of inserting fine needles into specific points in the body for therapeutic purposes. According to theory, these specific points called “acupuncture points” lie along pathways of the body along which one’s vital energy is said to flow. The needles are used to promote free-flow of energy in areas of the body that circulation may have stagnated. Although acupuncture is practiced in many Asian cultures such as Japan, Tibet, and Korea the practice is commonly known to have originated in China.

Acupuncture in the Western World

One of the most debated issues between the East and the West is the use of acupuncture as a western means of medical treatment. Even though this form of medicine has been used as an effective method for over five thousand years in China, there is no concrete evidence from scientific research studies that have proven the healing properties of acupuncture.

Skeptics shrug off the positive effects of acupuncture as merely placebo effects. Believers in acupuncture, however, say that the benefits have simply not yet been proven. Believers promote that the treatment is harmless and can be used as a complement to western medicine.

Unfortunately, standards of acupuncture have not been fully approved by the FDA due to many unregulated practices that still exist such as the re-use of needles. Furthermore, acupuncture certification today is mostly a sham, used to make money on desperate patients who have not benefited from western medical treatments. The National Council Against Health Fraud has even declared acupuncture as an unproven means of treatment whose concepts of healing are primitive and false.

Should You Try It

One thing that Western science can agree upon is that there are no proven harmful effects of acupuncture. Many doctors agree that as long as a medication is not detrimental to one’s health, then there is no reason why it should not be used if there are noticeable benefits. Most scientists would also state that it is simply due to a lack of research that the therapeutic properties of acupuncture have not yet been proven.

Although many forms Chinese medication remain debated concepts in Western society, there is a growing interest in these medications and perhaps as the acceptance of the practice grows, so will the discoveries about its medical properties.

More Information on Acupuncture

You can find more information about acupuncture at an acupuncture center close to you. You can easily locate nearby centers or practitioners by searching online. An appointment may be necessary as acupuncture centers are usually busy with long wait lists.

So if western medicine is not working for you and you are looking for an alternative, give some thought acupuncture. More and more people are discovering the therapeutic benefits of this ancient medicine. Acupuncture is safe and harmless, and therefore you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

Facial Acupuncture

Looking beautiful both inside and out is something we all want to achieve. Since your face is ridden with emotion and hormonal issues, you have to take care of it. Fortunately, there is a technique that can do that using painless mini needles and this is better known as facial acupuncture.

Facial acupuncture is a painless procedure that renews not only the face but the body as well. This is because it can erase lines and eye bags making you look younger. At the same time, it can also help clear up pimples and acne.

For this to work, fine needles are placed in acupuncture points on the eyes, face and neck to stimulate the person’s natural energies. As a result, this also improves your facial color.

Anyone can try facial acupuncture because it is painless and it has proven to reverse the signs of aging. However, if you are pregnant, suffer from the colds or flu, have acute herpes or an allergic reaction, it is best to wait until this has passed.

But before anyone can try facial acupuncture, they first have to be evaluated by the acupuncturist. This person will evaluate your age, lifestyle and diet. If everything looks good, then you will probably do an average of about 12 to 15 treatments. More could be done if your skin tends to sag, manifest jowls or have droopy eyes.

Facial acupuncture treatment needs to be done twice a week for about 45 minutes to 1 hour. For those who can’t make two sessions in a week, they can opt for the 1 treatment that will last 90 minutes.

After the regular sessions, it is advisable to go back for follow up treatment. It should be every 2 weeks for the next 2 months and then once a month later on.

Aside from needles, most clinics use herbs in the form of masks, poultices and moisturizers. Before you use it, check with your doctor to make sure there is no allergic reaction to any forms of medication that you are taking.

After the first facial acupuncture treatment, you will usually seen an increased glow to one’s complexion which the Chinese say an increased Qi or blood flow to the face. It becomes more open, the wrinkles start to disappear and the skin appears more toned.

In the 5th or 7th treatment, this becomes more evident as your face looks more relaxed as though you just came from a vacation.

The end result is that you will look and feel 5 to 15 years younger but of course this depends on how well the patient has taken care of themselves outside the confines of the clinic.

To sum things up, facial acupuncture can do for you. It can eliminate fine lines and reduces wrinkles, improve your overall facial color and add luster to the skin, relaxes tension in the face and furrows in the brow, brightens the eyes and reduce dark circles and puffiness, improve muscle tone for sagging skin, enhance your natural radiance in the skin and eyes, slow the aging process within, promotes overall health and well being as well as relaxes and revitalizes the entire body.

All you have to now is find a clinic that offers this service to customers so you will soon look radiant to other people.

Eight Myths About Acupuncture

There are a lot of myths with regards to acupuncture. Some of these are true; others are silly while the rest only have a half truth. As you read on, you will learn which ones are worth believing.

The first myth is that acupuncture is painful. This is not true because those who have tried it claimed they only experienced a tiny prick while others did not feel anything at all. There is no tissue damage when the needle is inserted into the skin or pulled out and only in very rare cases are there traces of bruising.

The second myth is that you can get hepatitis or AIDS from acupuncture. This is true only if the needles used are not sterilized. In the US, this will never happen because acupuncturists are required to use disposable needles thus you are not at risk from these two diseases.

Third, acupuncture is used to treat pain. This is only a half truth because this holistic technique has been proven to do other things such as stop a person’s addiction, lose weight and prevent certain illnesses.

Fourth, there are some who think that Asians are the only ones that can practice acupuncture. Since 1982, there are already 50 schools all across the country that teach students about this technique and become licensed acupuncturists.

This means that anyone who has the desire to learn about this ancient practice can do so and help treat patients. Just to give you an idea, there are at least 3,000 acupuncturists now working in the US.

Fifth, medical doctors do not believe in the potential of alternative medicine. This is not true because there are more doctors these days that are open to the idea that there are other ways to help patients aside from conventional medicine. In fact, some of them even recommend an acupuncturist if they know that what they have done is not effective.

Another myth is that every patient will undergo the four needle technique. This is not true and it will only be used when the specialist feels that the energy of the patient is virtually not moving as a last resort.

The seventh myth is that it is better for a medical doctor to perform acupuncture. This is wrong because the training is much different than that taught in medical school. Students who have an acupuncturist license train for 3,000 hours before they are allowed to practice this profession. So between an acupuncturist and a medical doctor, you should go with someone who has learned about this much longer.

The eighth myth is that acupuncture is only used in third world countries. This is not true because this technique originated in China more than 2000 years ago and this has spread to developed nations in Asia such as Japan, South Korea, Singapore and Malaysia.

Here at home, acupuncture been practiced for more than 2 decades and is legal in 30 states. In fact 22 of them, license professionals after they graduate once they pass the state board examination.

Although acupuncture has been around for a very long time, there is still a need for this form of holistic healthcare which is why this is being taught in colleges and in use today. It is painless and cost efficient and a lot of studies have shown that it is effective in treating various illnesses and preventing some of them.

Acupuncture is an Example of Holistic Healthcare

Holistic healthcare by definition is being able to cure an illness through the use alternative means. This means no medication is given to the patient and an instrument like a bunch of needles could do the trick.

Acupuncture has been around for than 2000 years. It is only recently that this holistic form of healthcare has reached the US. Studies have shown that it can treat minor problems and prevent some from happening.

The needles used in acupuncture are very thin but thicker than the human hair. This makes it smaller than those used on hypodermic needles.

Most patients that undergo acupuncture will not feel any significant change after one session which is why a few sessions are needed. Best of all, it is painless so your body will not feel sore afterwards.

Several studies have been conducted about acupuncture and there have been positive results. For instance in the UK, 400 participants who were suffering from migraines claimed they felt better after 3 months worth of sessions.

In the US, acupuncture has also proven to be effective in helping people deal with arthritis because the needles help the body fight against this chronic illness that is much cheaper and more effective than conventional medicine.

Acupuncture can do more than just helping patients deal with arthritis or migraine. Clinical tests have shown that it can help obese people lose weight and those who are suffering from insomnia.

In some countries, acupuncture has even been used to replace chemical anesthesia prior to surgery as there are some patients who are not able to tolerate regular anesthesia.

Another field which acupuncture has proven to be effective is helping patients deal with their addictions such as alcohol, drugs and smoking. One study of smokers revealed that the average patient will cut down by half the number of cigarettes they consume after just one treatment. Just imagine the potential after a few more sessions!

This has resulted in the establishment of clinics nationwide that only use acupuncture as the means of rehabilitation.

Acupuncturists in the US charge from $75 to $150 per session. This usually gets lower in the succeeding treatments. The person will probably have to undergo 10 to 15 treatments 2 to 3 times a week but this really depends on the condition of the patient.

Before you go to one, you should check if this is covered by your insurance. If it isn’t, perhaps you should suggest that it should be included as it is much cheaper than having to undergo surgery.

Although there are risks if you decide to go undergo acupuncture, these can be avoided as long as the one doing it is a licensed professional who makes sure that the needles used are sterilized before they are inserted into the body.

These days, a lot of people in the medical field have accepted the fact that alternative medicine such as this can also help the patient which is why they may refer someone when it is needed.

So, if you are tired of experiencing the side effects of conventional medicine and want to try a holistic form of healthcare, why don’t you see what acupuncture can do for you? It is painless and cost effective. In fact, it is just one of many you can try to help treat a chronic condition.