How Come Acupuncture / Acupressure Brings Perfect Results For All?

Acupuncture is the gentle insertion of extremely fine needles at specific points of the body. The theory behind acupuncture is that there are two thousand energy points on the body that are connected by twenty pathways [meridians] running throughout the length of the body. These pathways conduct flow of energy called “qi” or “chi”, meaning life force. Blockage of energy in any of these points can cause pain in the body.

Acupuncture serves to clear any type of energy blockage in any of the pathways and thus reduce pain effectively. Treatments offered by acupuncture schools All the diseases prevalent in human body are the result of energy blockage in the pathways. So when these blockage points are removed, automatically you will be cured from all types of diseases.

During an acupuncture treatment session performed by the acupuncture schools, almost one to twenty metallic needles are inserted into the body. While some of the needles rest on the surface of the skin, the others are inserted from one to several inches into the layers of fats. The needles are kept there in resting position for at least twenty to thirty minutes.

The acupuncturists to enhance the reduction in energy blockage often keep jiggling the needles. In certain instances like treating high blood pressure with acupuncture, electrified needles are used for fast and better cure. Often the practitioners also use an amount of burned herbs at the end of the needle to encourage negative energy to leave the body along with the smoke.

Acupuncture treatments for back pain, shoulder and neck pain

Atlanta schools of acupuncture follow some rigorous acupuncture techniques that promise sure results for all types of diseases. Back pain is a disease that can range from dull ache to a constant sharp pain that leaves people irritated. Even neck and shoulder pains can be equally disgusting as they continue to be acute and stop all your normal activities.

Acupressure is a wonderful remedy for back pain, neck and shoulder pain

The practitioner presses some acute points near the meridians of the body with the thumbs and fingertips to reduce pain. With the applied pressure the blocked energy starts flowing and all pains are reduced. Atlanta acupuncture for spinal injury is also effective as the blocked “chi” or energy in spinal chords gets released with application of acupressure and pains related to spinal injuries gets cured instantly.

Acupuncture treatments for smoking and skin diseases

Atlanta for stop-quit smoking is also effective, as permanent smokers have known to cease smoking completely with acupuncture. The treatment involves insertion of five needles into the ear [particularly in the cartilage and not in the ear canal] and a few on the hands and wrists. It also involves applying a mixture of oil of cloves and wintergreen extracts of Evodia fruits and Sichuan lovage rhizomes to quit smoking faster.

Acupuncture for acne, psoriasis and allergies are an effective treatment, as it reduces the diseases instantly. All these infections are autoimmune systems that occur due to inflammations in the blood vessels. So when the acupressure needles are pricked onto the skin, they are also manipulated through hands by rubbing the acupressure points or the ends of the needles are electrified to produce instant results.

Acupressure’s Sweet Spot – How To Get A Rush Without The Sugar

Are you a sugar user? More and more people are resorting to high sugar drinks and snacks for a quick jolt of energy. But the trouble with using sugar for an energy boost, is that it sets up a roller-coaster effect that can soon become addictive and lead to health problems down the line.

Recent research has revealed an acupressure point that boosts energy and alertness naturally and with no come down. The Highs & Lows of using Sugar for Energy Soon after a sugar fix you start buzzing with energy, but it’s a short lived boost that soon swings sharply the other way with an energy slump. If you address that slump by eating or drinking something else high in sugar, you’ll get that energy rush again, followed by another slump.

Using sugar for energy gives sporadic results at best, but there are health dangers too. Diabetes II is an ever increasing risk in a world where we’re rushing to get more done and fighting daily battles with stress and fatigue. Sugar increases insulin levels and raises blood triglycerides which increases the risk of developing late onset Diabetes.

Acupressure Energy Boost Acupuncture and Acupressure share a network of vital energy points situated along meridian channels throughout the body. For thousands of years these points have been used to influence qi (chi), the body’s subtle energy force, for a wide variety of physical and emotional benefits.

The University of Michigan recently finished an intensive study that set out to prove that acupressure can provide an effective natural energy boost. Lead researcher, Dr Richard Harris, explains “it [acupressure] seems to stimulate the nerves that moderate attention and alertness”. Tapping the Sweet Spot Students in the trial experimented with massaging five acupressure points for three minutes each.

The most effective and stimulating point was the Si Shen Chong point, known to acupuncturists as one of the extraordinary acupoints (HN1), and found right in the centre of the top of the head. Participants in the trial found the most effective way to get a sugar-free energy boost, was to tap this point lightly with the fingertips for two or three minutes. The point used in this trial is one of the extra energy points sometimes used in the EFT meridian points tapping sequence.

The beauty of EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) is that it uses a series of potent acupuncture and acupressure points that not only give the body a natural energy boost, but can also be used to control addictive cravings for sugar and popular stimulants like caffeine. EFT uses a set sequence of 12 acupuncture points known to give relief from a wide range of emotional and physical symptoms. As found in the University of Michigan study, results are easily and reliably achieved by tapping lightly on the acupuncture points with the fingertips.

Acupressure and Migraines

Acupressure is a completely non-invasive treatment option that has a high success rate among migraineurs (people who suffer from migraine headaches). It has a proven track record as a successful pain abatement technique. Acupressure is also efficacious in reducing both the frequency and intensity of migraine attacks.

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, there are over 800 vital energy points in the human body. These points lie along meridians that run throughout a person’s body. Chi, or life energy, flows along the meridians and through the energy points in healthy people. Chi that is blocked or overabundant near particular energy points causes illness and pain.

Acupressure massage applies pressure to these energy points in order to release chi and stimulate the body’s own healing mechanisms. The energy points are massaged with the fingers, thumb, or occasional blunt object with medium pressure in a circular pattern.

The simplest acupressure a migraineur can learn is an all-over head massage. This technique just requires the practitioner to massage the scalp as though they were washing their hair. Sit with the elbows resting on a table to prevent arm strain and the head resting lightly in the hands to perform head and neck acupressure. Moderate pressure applied to the GB20 points offers the best relief for migraine pain. They are on either side of the neck, approximately one inch to each side of the spinal column just below where the skull and neck muscles connect.

GB20 also goes by the more romantic-sounding Chinese name “The Gates of Consciousness”. Migraineurs seeking to relieve their headache and neck pain should practice deep breathing while using the thumbs of both hands to press firmly on the GB20 points for one to two minutes. If this is painful at first, home practitioners can start out by pressing and releasing the points in five to fifteen second intervals.

Acupressure For The Face

Time takes a toll on our bodies, particularly our faces. There is just no hiding the damage of the sun, wrinkles and so on. Many people look to surgical lifts for a solution. Others, however, are nervous about the invasive nature of the surgery, possible side effects or the cost.

A possible alternative for those not needing intensive repair is acupressure. The results that you will get from an acupressure session are not going to be as dramatic or long lasting as those from traditional surgical options.

Acupressure procedures are meant to be a holistic, massage-oriented alternative to having surgery, but are not to be considered on the same level. Acupressure is an ancient Chinese art of applying pressure to specific points on your body. This is believed to allow more blood and energy flow to the area that is pressed, which can correspond to other areas of the body.

The results of acupressure have been seen for centuries by those practicing this craft. Facial acupressure takes advantage of pressing these points on the face, and therefore allowing additional blood and oxygen to flow to these areas. This tightens the areas that are being massaged and pressed, leaving the client with a relaxed, youthful look.

The facial area is massaged and stimulated with light pressure, which not only improves the facial circulation, but also helps to clean the facial lymph system. This technique also stimulates the underlying collagen of the face, which allows it to loosen and possibly regenerate faster, making the youthful look you get from the acupressure last.

Having an acupressure facial is not considered a medical procedure, but it is a certified practice by the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork. It is considered to be more intensive than a traditional facial which is commonly performed by a cosmetician. Some massage therapists will recommend more than one acupressure session to achieve full results, and you will want to consult with your therapist for the best course of action for your face.

Facial procedures are more and more common these days, but there are non-surgical options if you are not ready for the knife just yet. An acupressure session can give you a more youthful glow without surgery or any side effects. You also get the bonus of the relaxing technique of acupressure. It is a great compromise for those who need just a little help in the facial aging department.

Acupressure Fast Facts – Get Pain Relief at Home

Acupressure was originated in China thousands of years ago, and evidence has been found that acupressure was practiced in the stone age! Acupressure has been used to reduce post-operative nausea and vomiting in children. Acupressure also reduces nausea in cancer patients receiving chemotherapy. Acupressure can be done anywhere without special equipment.

You can treat yourself safely with acupressure, as long as you follow the guidelines of a professional acupressure practitioner. Correctly performed, acupressure increases circulation, reduces tension and pain and enables the body to relax.

Acupressure strengthens the immune system and promotes wellness. Acupressure should be applied slowly and gently. Applying it too quickly or vigorously can do some damage, especially in the abdominal area. Special care and caution is needed in the case of a pregnant woman or in treating a person with burns, infections and recent injuries.

Acupressure is more effective than physical therapy for the majority of patients with low back pain. Ear acupressure can be used to reduce stress and anxiety. Acupressure is used to reduce fear and anxiety in trauma victims and in pre-operative care. Acupressure can be used to treat all these conditions:

  • Tension Headaches
  • Migraine Headaches
  • Jaw Pain
  • Toothache
  • Earache
  • Neck and Shoulder Pain
  • Wrist, Hand, Arm Pain
  • Backache
  • Hip, Knee, Ankle & Foot Pain Colds
  • Flu
  • Sore Throat
  • Sinus Infection
  • Loss of Voice
  • Allergies
  • Anxiety Attacks
  • Nervousness
  • Depression
  • Insomnia
  • Fainting
  • Hiccoughs
  • Improve Memory and Concentration Angina
  • Heart Palpitations and High Blood Pressure
  • Constipation
  • Diarrhea
  • Heartburn and Stomachache
  • PMS and Painful Periods
  • Hot Flashes
  • Pregnancy Discomfort
  • Morning Sickness
  • Bed-Wetting
  • Incontinence
  • Urinary Retention
  • Nose bleeding
  • Itching
  • Asthma
  • Decreased Libido
  • Hangover

Here are a couple acupressure tips you can try:

For headaches and muscle or joint pain, press the fleshy part of your hand between your thumb and index finger. Hold for this for one minute, then repeat on the other hand.

For low-back pain, lie on your back, with your feet elevated on a sofa or chair. Place two tennis balls under your lower back on either side of your spine. (I got cheap tennis balls in the dog toy department.) Stay in this position for one minute or sooner if it becomes uncomfortable.

For knee pain, put a tennis ball on a pillow, then place your leg over it so the ball is pushing into the crease behind your knee. Find the sensitive spot just below your kneecap and slightly to the outside of the shinbone. Press into it gently with your fingertips for about one minute.

You can learn to do acupressure at home to supplement professional treatment. This is especially useful when you are stricken with illness or pain and you can’t get to the doctor soon.